

Premier Boxing Champions on CBS ‘Thurman vs. Porter’ Results & Play-by-Play

Sherdog's live Premier Boxing Champions play-by-play kicks off Saturday at 9 p.m. ET.

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Jarrett Hurd vs. Oscar Molina

Round 1

Molina steps in a jabs to the body. Hurd is passive early, looking to warm up while pawing with a few jabs of his own. They trade jabs at the midway point; neither man is committing to anything hard just yet. Out of nowhere, a right uppercut drops Molina with about about 45 seconds left. He's up and is a little groggy, another right to the jaw rocks Molina again just before the bell. 10-8 Hurd.

Round 2

Molina opens the round with a nice left to the body, followed by a left hook to the head, but the second shot is blocked. Hurd is slowly moving forward, and when he gets inside, he digs two uppercuts into his foe’s gut. Molina backs off, trying to create some space. Oscar paws with a few jabs before tying the taller Hurd up; he seems a little tentative when he throws. Jarrett tosses out a few jabs and goes back to the right uppercut, but his bread-and-butter punch narrowly misses its target. 10-9 Hurd

Round 3

Hurd is patient early, allowing Molina to come out and dig a few punches downstairs. Molina then swallows few jabs and backs off to reset. Molina has turned into a statue at the midway point as he doesn’t let his hands go at all. Hurd, meanwhile, unfurls a few punches to the head and body. The action is slow with a minute left but Hurd is forced to block a three-punch combo. Molina lowers his head on the inside, which opens the floodgates for a series of right uppercuts that snap his head back. A double left hook by Hurd counters a two-punch combo to the dome from Molina just before bell. 10-9 Hurd

Round 4

Molina rushes right at his taller opponent and plugs away at his body. They trade some decent leather on the inside and it’s the best Molina has looked all fight. Hurd catches and shoots a pair of pops from his opponent, tagging him with straight rights to the cheek. Hurd rakes his adversary with a sizzling three-punch flurry to the head, but Molina takes them all and comes right back at hi, trying to get back inside. Jarrett jams a left hook deep into Molina’s intestines, causing him to grimace, but he’s tough and answers with a flashy left hook up top, though it’s mostly blocked. 10-9 Hurd

Round 5

Molina eats a stiff jab and then a powerful overhand right, but he withstands it. The Mexican comes off the ropes and digs to the body, but Hurd answers with a series of blows to the ribs and then to the head. Molina walks like a zombie toward his foe and though his hands are up by his face, Hurd potshots him with lefts and rights before Oscar closes the gap and ties him up briefly. Hurd drills him with a nice right cross as Molina goes downstairs. Molina is starting to fall apart little by little as Hurd is piling up the points late. 10-9 Hurd

Round 6

Hurd triples up his jab early, backing Molina off. The Mexican is nailed by a pair of rights upstairs and backs into the ropes. Molina waives him on but it’s clear that he’s fading from the punishment. Hurd rakes the shorter man with a torch of a left uppercut and then goes back to the body a few more times. Molina again backs into the ropes and eats a right uppercut and then a left hook. The Mexican finally opens up and tags Hurd with an overhand right, his best punch in a few rounds. Molina bulldozes his way in, but he absorbs a bomb of a right to the belly. 10-9 Hurd

Round 7

Molina storms out of his corner and gets inside, but Hurd is tearing into his foe’s body. Molina walks through it all and lands a nice overhand right, but Hurd isn’t bothered. Hurd stands forehead-to-forehead and slams a few more punches downstairs, but Molina counters off the ropes with a beautiful overhand right, followed by a left hook a few moments later. A cutting left hook to the liver from the Mexican, but Hurd comes right back with a shot to the melon and then to the breadbasket. They stand chest-to-chest and slug away, mostly the body. It’s Molina’s best round but it’s not quite enough for him to win it. 10-9 Hurd

Round 8

Molina is enjoying a surge of energy as he digs a furious left hook to the body. Another, followed by one to the head. Hurd walks through it all and simply jabs at his counterpart. Hurd backs his man into the ropes and they trade blows for several moments. Molina fights off the ropes by targeting the body and then tags the American with an overhand right. A hard right-left to the face rocks Molina, who backs into the ropes again, before escaping to his left. Oscar nails Hurd with a lead left but he’s countered by a right to the body and then a left to the noggin. Just before the bell, Molina is rocked by a combo. 10-9 Hurd

Round 9

The junior middleweights meet in the center of the ring and explode in an exchange. Hurd backs Molina into the ropes again and they let their hands fly. Hurd gets the better of the two before backing away, but he doesn’t allow Molina to get anything off. A sneaky left hook lands on the top of the head from Hurd and Molina backs off to reset again. Hurd jabs to the body several times as his opponent backs away, looking tired again. Molina is loading up on single punches with a minute left, but Hurd is all over him, going to the head and body. A hard left-right upstairs forces Molina into the ropes again, but the Mexican is tough and fights back until the round ends. 10-9 Hurd

Round 10

Molina needs a knockout in order to win and charges at Hurd to start the frame. Hurd obliges and meets in the center of the ring and trades leather to the body. A flurry from Hurd causes his adversary to stumble and Molina goes down, but he’s clearly pushed by Hurd. Molina is correctly not ruled down. When the fight resumes, Hurd is gunning for the knockout. Molina tries to slug with him but Hurd is much faster. Hurd tags him with a sizzling right-left and Molina’s legs buckle. Hurd unloads another two-punch combo and tags him again and Molina is hurt. A wild right misses and the referee jumps in and incredulously stops the fight. The crowd boos the ref’s decision, as does the commentary team.

The Official Result

Jarrett Hurd def. Oscar Molina via TKO R10, 2:02

Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter

Round 1

Steve Willis is the referee for this WBA welterweight championship. The two fighters come out aggressively and Thurman is the first to fire. He digs a lead left to the body but his follow-up left hook to the head misses. Porter storms in with a flurry of shots to the head and body but “One Time” is cool and backs away. A hard overhand right to the head gets Thurman’s attention, but the Floridian slams a right uppercut t the jaw in return. Thurman is moving back and circling side-to-side as Porter chases him down, missing most of his punches. A hard lead right tags Porter on the face, but he takes it well. Thurman slams an overhand right onto his foe’s head, but again, Porter walks through and he returns the favor with a right and left. It’s a vicious back-and-forth trade at the bell. Great way to start the fight.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 2

Porter comes right out and sticks a few jabs to the body. Thurman backs away, looking to create space to counter. Porter is uber aggressive, as expected, and swarms “One Time” with a volley of punches to the head and body. Thurman has to keep circling to reset, but Porter is in his grill continuously. Porter traps the champ in a corner and unloads a tempest of punches upstairs and down. Thurman simply covers up, waiting for a moment to strike back. When they split up, the welters trade some serious leather in the center of the ring before clinching. Thurman drills him with a pair of sizzling shots to the noggin, but “Showtime” comes right back with a storm to the body. Porter forces Thurman back into the ropes and unloads another whirlwind until the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter

Round 3

Porter picks up where he left off and goes right at the champ to start the round. Thurman lands a nice right to the face, but Porter is right there to slam several more punches to the body before “One Time” ties him up. Thurman appears willing to trade now and just misses a missile of a right hand. Porter, in return, launches another dizzying flurry, though the Floridian blocks most of the offense. Porter comes inside reckless and just barely avoids being plastered by a right uppercut. Porter is warned for cracking the champ in the groin but Thurman only needs a few seconds to regroup. Porter remains glued to his foe, but Thurman nails him with a rocket of a right hand and two wicked lefts to the body. Porter’s knees buckle but he comes right back and unloads a fury of punches until the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 4

Thurman has to back away as Porter charges right at him. Porter is a bit sloppy early with his storm of blows, leading with his head way out and up. Thurman tried to blast him on the way in but his punches just miss. Porter tags the champ with a right cross but he’s countered by a sharp left hook to the jaw. Porter shakes it off, though, and continues to come right at his foe. Thurman has momentarily taken control of the action and lands another sharp left hook. Porter comes right back but he is nailed by a right and he is shaken badly. Porter hangs on to recover and when they split up, “One Time” connects with two more to the head. It’s terrific two-way action but Thurman’s power is starting to take over.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 5

Porter is a bit cautious to start the frame, allowing Thurman to box and move nicely. Porter finally gets inside and lands a few blows, but Thurman moves out to his right and counters with a pair of punches upstairs. “One Time” is now the aggressor, using his jab to set up his attacks. Porter is backing off but he unfurls a loopy overhand right and then a left hook. Thurman welcomes the attacks and goes toe-to-toe with him briefly before they clinch. The champ misses an atomic left hook that likely would have ended the fight but Porter is just out of position to counter. “Showtime” charges in and tags the champ with a right, but Thurman is there to counter him again. It’s great back-and-forth action just before the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter

Round 6

Thurman starts the round walking after Porter, who is backing up and looking for single bombs at this point. They clinch and “Showtime” slams a series of rights to the body. Porter finally forces Keith into the ropes and rakes his opponent’s body with a plethora of punches before “One Time” escapes to the center of the ring. Porter is back on the attack, digs tons of blows downstairs. Thurman is not quite as active as he has been, but he tattoos the challenger with a perfect counter right to the face with a minute left. Porter backs him into the ropes again and pounds away at the body. Thurman misses a loopy overhand right at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 7

Thurman walks into a stiff jab just he throws a left hook. Porter backs off and allows the champ to jab to the body. Porter shoots in and unloads a quick barrage of shots to the body again. “One Time” backs away but Porter chases him down and rips several punches to the body and a few to the noggin. Thurman counters nicely with a right cross and then a left hook. Thurman backs himself into the ropes and Porter is more than happy to continue stuffing his fists into the Floridian’s guts. Porter slips during an exchange and goes down, but he’s correctly ruled to be down by the slip, not a punch. Thurman misses a left hook and is drilled by a huge counter right hook to the jaw in return with about 20 seconds left. Keith backs off but Porter is there to touch him a few more times to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter

Round 8

Porter is a little cautious again and Thurman opens up with a burst of short punches upstairs, though they are blocked. Thurman is now on his bike, backing off and keeping away from Porter, who misses with a wild overhand right. “One Time” pops the challenger with a counter left hook, but he has to swallow a right and left in return. Thurman backs Porter into the ropes, but “Showtime” drills the champ with a left to the body and Thurman is hurt. The champ backs across the ring to recover and Porter is all over him, but Keith ties him up. Porter chases him down but walks into a sizzling right to the dome and then eats a left as he slips trying to come in. The two welters exchange again in a short burst and the round ends as close as ever; could go to either man.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 9

Thurman misses a left hook early, which allows Porter to dive in and unload a barrage of shots to the ribs. A pair of jabs from the challenger, which forces a clinch. “Showtime” tags him with a right to the head, but Thurman answers with a right of his won a minute in. A right to the body by the champ but his follow-up left hook misses. Porter muscles his way and in unfurls another tempest of punches to the head and body. Thurman has to cover up before he can answer. They go toe-to-toe and Thurman comes out of the scrum with a cut for the first time in his career. They leave caution to the wind and slug it out back-and-forth. Porter traps the champ into the ropes again and pours it on. At the bell, Thurman is frazzled.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Porter
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter

Round 10

Porter pops the champ with a jab to the body. Another. Thurman is staying away early, looking to counter. Porter changes course and backs off, but it’s not long before he dives in and swirls him with another volley of punches. “One Time” obliges and changes the tide with a flurry of his own. A hard overhand right from the champ is clean, but Porter comes right back with a right of his own. Thurman stumbles during an exchange and Porter mugs him against the ropes, unloading another hellacious storm of punches. Thurman covers up and then escapes to his right and regroups. Porter comes in with a right but is blasted by a huge left hook. Porter stumbles into the corner and it’s hard to tell if he was off-balance or hurt. Either way, Thurman chases him down and slams a barrage of hellfire into his foe’s body and head. Porter comes right back and it’s toe-to-toe again. Super close round.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter

Round 11

Thurman is bouncing in his toes, staying away early. Porter is like a cobra, waiting to spring his attack. They trade jabs in between the movement for the first minute. Porter misses a wild right hook and is countered by a short left hook, but it’s partially blocked. Porter dives in with a right but he’s drilled by a right-left hook to the head. Porter stays upright and continues to come after him but Thurman pops him again with another clean right. With 30 seconds left, “Showtime” explodes with another flurry but Thurman is there to avoid it and counter with a pair of lefts upstairs.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Thurman

Round 12

This is it. This fight should be up for grabs on the scorecard. Porter charges right at the champ and unloads a barrage but he swallows a vicious right uppercut. He somehow walks right through it and chases the champion as he resets. Thurman takes a clean right to the melon and then clinches. Thurman reaches out with a right but he’s is countered by a slick left hook. “One Time” takes it well and comes back with a shot to the body. With a minute left, it’s anybody’s fight. “One Time” nails his counterpart with a sizzling left uppercut, but Porter presses him into the ropes and unloads dozens of punches. They tie up with 40 seconds left. Thurman barely misses with a wild left hook. Porter blocks another massive left hook with 10 seconds left. “One Time” backs off and runs out the clock.

Sherdog Scores

Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 Thurman (115-113 Thurman)
Gary Randall scores the round: 10-9 Thurman (115-114 Thurman)
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Porter (114-114)

The Official Result

Keith Thurman def. Shawn Porter via Unanimous Decision (115-113, 115-113, 115-113) R12, 3:00

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